Grow Your Dream Lawn—Affordable Financing Options Available!

VIP Benefits

Your Value, Your Way

Whatever value means to you, we’re here to deliver. Whether you’re considering our good, better or best lawn irrigation system solutions, you get all the information, support and time you need to make the best decision for you and your lawn.

VIP Program

Take charge of your lawn. With the pros at Pro Outdoor on your side, you no longer have to worry about the possibility of anything going wrong with your lawn irrigation system.

Simply purchase our VIP Maintenance Package and set up your preferences. Start getting great service and benefits like:

  • Spring Activation
  • Backflow Preventer Test
  • Mid-Season Tune-Up
  • Fall Winterization
  • Priority Automatic Scheduling – we automatically schedule your routine services for you, taking your preferences into consideration
  • 10% off all Repairs both Labor and Material
  • Hydrawise Controller Monitoring – $120 Value – Optional
  • Automatic Package Renewal
  • Spring and Fall Freeze Protection

Get the VIP Maintenance Total Package

The VIP Maintenance Package features the following lawn irrigation system services for its members:

Spring Activation

We provide sprinkler system maintenance as we get your irrigation system ready for spring

Backflow-Preventer Testing:

An annually required test that ensures your backflow system is working properly to maximize your savings

Mid-Season Tune-Up:

We’ll fine-tune and make adjustments to your controller and sprinkler heads so they water your lawn properly and efficiently during this peak usage time

Fall Winterization:

We prep and protect all irrigation system components for the long, cold winter

VIP Maintenance Package:

Give Your Lawn Its Own Dedicated Team

Join the VIP Maintenance Package to ensure your yard has a dedicated team of professionals maintaining your lawn irrigation system throughout the year.

Having your own lawn care team leaves you with one less thing to worry about. In order to maintain a beautiful landscape, there are maintenance issues that you won’t have to concern yourself with because we’ll handle it for you.

VIP Maintenance Package Brochure

If interested in learning more about how we can maximize the investment you made in a lawn irrigation system, fill out the form below. We’ll email you a current copy of the VIP Maintenance Package brochure. In it, you’ll find all the information you need to know about maintaining your sprinkler irrigation system throughout the year, and how we can help.

More Value. Less Hassle.

At Pro Outdoor, our staff uses quality products and state of the art technology to not only provide you with a top of the line lawn irrigation system, but also treat your lawn in the gentlest way possible.

We help you control all of the important aspects of a lawn irrigation system that will conserve time, water, and money. Contact the pros at Pro Outdoor to sign up for the VIP Maintenance Package to help ensure that your lawn irrigation system is in perfect shape. Call (636) 692-4441.

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